Thirty years ago I was part of an international team that drove overland around the world. We left London on the 27th December 1993 and arrived at the UN in New York just over three months later. It was a great adventure, done in the spirit of human co-operation. We spent most of our time […]
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The Throng….
The throng is rebellious twitching within their bubbles seeking to influence and sway without kindness. An information war, of course is much more palatable than a real one but I have a feeling a new age of darkness has begun to rain down. However… the panto season is here and in my preoccupation with that […]
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Panto Online – “Cinderella”
I must be the laziest blogger in the cosmos as it has been over a year since I put middle finger to keyboard. For your information (FYI, I really hate doing/seeing that) my attempt at producing an online pantomime film was a resounding success, so we have made another one. The critical praise has persuaded […]
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Panto Online – “Jack and the Beanstalk”
A few months ago after lockdown began, it seemed a possibility that Pantomime was unlikely to happen on a grand scale this Christmas. As the theatre industry began to consider the implications of empty buildings, my thoughts turned to the many thousands of freelancers that actually devise and make the shows happen. These creatives are […]
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Putting the boot in
Calling an election during the Pantomime season was bound to create a media storm at some point, a clash of two similar cultures you might think. Last week I found myself sitting between Piers Morgan and Toby Young on Good Morning Britain. Between them they’d contrived that the panto I’d written was somehow a left-leaning, […]
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In my dream I am running and I fall over, my body turns into curvy lines like the contours on a map. Slowly I begin to dissipate into the ground as my limbs become the branches of trees and my still heart sinks deep into the earth. I have been motionless on a motorway for […]
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